We affirm microchurch as the most basic expression of the church. Our ecclesiology is simple. When believers work together in sincere worship and genuine community to accomplish part of the mission of God, they are the church.
Worship, community, and mission are our ecclesial minimum.
We believe in small church.
This means that we emphasize people, not buildings, budgets, or even leaders. When believers work together in sincere worship and genuine community to accomplish a part of the mission of God, they are the church.
Visit one of our house churches. Worshiping with a large group of people can be great, but people want and need to be known. Life is best lived in the company of friends. Jesus himself created a small community with whom he pursued his mission. House churches are a great place to start a journey to a more simple and honest version of church as we know it.
Check out our distributive/missional microchurches below.
Led by
Josh and Becca McCullough
Below is a list of our Microchurches, the unique expressions of the Church in Ocala that make up our network.
What we do is simple: We have a bible study at a bar. We look at a passage from the bible and talk about it. We meet at a local brewery or tap house (Exact location will be messaged out). Our desire is to reach the group of people that wouldn’t step foot in a church, but will sit down and enjoy a beer with us. If you are more of a wine person, you are welcome too — you don’t even have to drink to come. If you, or someone you know, is looking for something at the bottom of a glass, come check out Jesus with us. I promise He won’t disappoint. The first beer is on us. Come be apart of something different!
To join email josh@katharosnetwork.org