We are Katharos Network…
Our mission is to equip and launch ordinary people into life giving microchurches.
Our Vision
Is to see Ocala wholly restored. We want to accomplish this by launching 50 life giving microchurches in the next 4 years.
What we do
We equip and empower ordinary people in our city in their unique identity, gifts, and passions. We empower communities to discover and obey their God-given mission and to engage every kind of evil in our city with prayerful action.
Our Community
Our community exists as a de-centralized church model. We affirm microchurch as the most basic expression of the church. Our ecclesiology is simple. When believers work together in sincere worship and genuine community to accomplish part of the mission of God, they are the church.
We function in three modes.
When we strip down the idea of church, there are three things that make a church function.
That’s exactly our heart with house church. The early church in Acts met together in homes to do this exact thing.
WHEN: House church meets bi-weekly, Saturday from 5pm-8pm.
Micro churches are a way we accomplish our vision. When believers work together in sincere worship, and genuine community to accomplish a part of the mission of God, they are the church. Micro churches are beautiful because they are each uniquely different and have their own calling and purpose.
Growth is essential for those who follow Jesus. We believe just like a tree that is planted… roots must be nourished for it to grow. So we provide monthly and quarterly workshops we call “Rooted.”